Youth & Young Adults

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

1 Timothy 4:12

In this intergeneration church, the youth and young adults are important parts of the body of Christ. They contribute to the life of the church through their active participation in worship and vibrant service. As a church, we are committed to nurturing young men and women towards spiritual maturity in Christ. They are not just the leaders of tomorrow, by God’s enabling, they are already leaders in their rights. If you are a youth (age 13 to 18) or a young adult (age 19 to 35), we welcome you to join us in our fellowship groups to learn more about God and His Word, to belong to a loving and caring community and to live a life worthy of God’s calling.

Should you need to talk to the youth pastor regarding how you might explore becoming a part of Bethel, please email to Pr Andrea Ong at


Come and join us for fellowships where we learn, care and grow together as a community. Choose one fellowship group where it best suits you. Activities we do together include worship, bible study, experiential learning, topic discussions, prayer, sports and games, makan sessions and outings.


  • Bethel English Service (BES) Youth - Sunday 10.30a.m.

Young Adult

  • Jireh CG – 2nd & 4th Sunday 10.30am to 12pm


  • Ohana Fellowship – Every Friday 7.30pm

Young Adult


  • BLS Youth – Sunday School 11.15a.m.


There are many areas to use your gifts and talents to serve God and the community. Join us as worship leaders, musicians, ushers, Sunday School Teachers, youth mentors, bible study leaders, event organisers etc.

Major Events

The respective fellowship groups meet regularly. They also come together to learn and interact as a body through various events planned throughout the year such as combined youth camp, combined young adult camp, spring cleaning day and combined sports days and youth Sunday.


God calls us to be witnesses for Him. Our youths and young adults are involved in the church’s outreach programmes to bring God’s love and hope to those near and far, in our neighbourhood and in the world.

  • Volunteer at Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade
  • Volunteer at All Saints Home
  • Participate in short term mission trips